Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Love One Another

It's so amazing how friends can impact your life so much. Just being friends with people and loving them dearly, to the point that I hear about their struggles and triumphs in life, can make such a huge difference in my own perspective and mood.

This is a month of gratitude. As we are teaching our daughter this month, we are counseled in the scriptures to “love one another, even as I have loved you.” (See John 13:34-35). The more I pray for Heavenly Father to bless me to feel great love for other people, the better able I am to push the pause button on my own life and simply listen to others. The more love I feel for them, the more I am convinced that the Lord wants us to love others not only to serve and help them, but because it will change our own hearts as well.

As I see the struggles others face, my own struggles dwindle into near nothingness, or at the very least become much more manageable. He makes my “burdens light” as He shows me the tremendous burdens that others face. Matthew 10:39 says, “He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” As I love others as Jesus loves me, I actually find myself. I find more joy and gratitude in my heart. I don't blow things out of proportion or get angry easily. I don't dwell on my own problems because I am humbled by the problems other people are facing. I don't waste time on unnecessary things and forget about the priorities and goals I've set for myself and family. So, Love! As you go into this holiday season, Love One Another! It will increase your capacity to feel the Savior's love for you, too.


  1. Thank you for being my friend! You get to hear all about my problems all the time.

  2. You're welcome! You do your share of listening too! Love you!


What I Believe

I'm a Mormon.

I love Leadership Education
